Window systems


fittings are the the most important part of each window - Without them it is difficult to talk about the safety and comfort, so often we expect deciding to buy a new or replacing old windows.

In our windows, we offer fittings reputable companies such as: ROTO NT, MACO, SIEGENIA.

Currently, the windows are installed only the inner envelope fittings (peripheral). Positioned around the perimeter of the window, They give it leaks, pressing the sash to the frame, and additional reinforcements may provide an excellent protection against being pushed. For the average user count while ease of use - With one handle it has the ability to open the wings or evasion.

Modern enveloped hardware to block window sashes in various positions – prosto, comfortable and really effectively.

Graduation tilt You can lock repealed wings in one of several items (there may even be 10), depending, Unless we want to let fresh air into the house during ventilation.

Micro-adjustable We are very much needed, because without it – due to the tightness of modern windows – it would be impossible to flood into the rooms fresh air. Microventilation is to create – without opening or tilting the window – a small gap between the frame and the sash and is available in each wing tilt-and-swivel